Modular desiccant air dryer

MAD – Discontinued


Taking compressed air treatment to the next level through advanced technology, Ivys' industrial modular air dryers combine proven, reliable dryer principles with unsurpassed flexibility, an affordable space-saving design, and operational safety and efficiency.

Replaced by Ecotroc DDAP


Efficient, Reliable, Safe Operation

  • The Modular Desiccant Air Dryer is efficient, thanks to its meticulously engineered inlet and purge manifold design, making it is one of the lowest pressure-drop desiccant dryers in the industry.
  • It offers lower life-cycle costs, due to reduced energy consumption and simplified maintenance.
  • It is reliable and durable, thanks to its completely automatic, proven electronic controls, high-performance valves and high-quality, high-density-filled desiccant.
  • It has been tested and proven with a 100% testing protocol for leaks, operation and performance.
  • Every dryer has a 2-year limited warranty and a maximum protection against corrosive environments.
  • The Modular Desiccant Air Dryer delivers the highest quality compressed air, meeting with ISO 8573-1, Class 2 and Class 1 standards.

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Pressure Dew Point Nominal Inlet Temperature Nominal Working Pressure Maximum Inlet Temperature Maximum Working Pressure Maximum Ambient Temperature Voltage
-40°F (-40°C)
[-100°F (-70°C)opt]
100 psi
(7 bar)
232 psi
(16 bar)

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